
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

DT Call Reminder

Hi everyone! I wanted to remind you all about our DT Call here at The 12 Months of Christmas Link up. We are asking that you help us spread the word. All the information can be found on our original post here: DT Call.

If you create a special post to announce the DT call and display our DT challenge badge, as a Thank You, we will send you the stars and bauble paper. We would love for you to keep our badge up on your side bar through the end of the DT call which is November 22nd

Please make sure the badge links back to our DT call so that everyone can find us with just a click.

We also want to send out a Thank You for anyone that places our DT Call badge on their sidebar, so if you have done this only, we will send you a special Happy Holiday Word Art set. Of course if you do both, (wink...wink...) you will get both the paper and the word art set!

Now, in order to get your "Thank You" gifts, please come back and let us know by leaving a link to your special post in a comment on this one or the original DT Call post.

Lisa and I truly appreciate the support we have received in launching this new site and we look forward to you joining us in our new adventure either as a DT member or participant in the monthly link ups.


  1. I put your DT call badge on my sidebar

  2. Here's a link to a post I wrote, telling about your DT call. You badge is also displayed in my sidebar.

  3. I put your design team call on my blog on 27 October
    and I have put a reminder post on today
    I also put your design team call badge on my side bar
    Hope you get lots of enquiries. I am looking forward to taking part in the challenges.

    I wrote a post by copying your DT call post and added it to my blog. I hope it helps out. Edwina Brown

  5. I added both the badges to my sidebar. Here is the link to my blog.
    Edwina Brown


Thanks so much for popping by today. I would love to hear what you have to say! Your comments make my day! ☺Lisa

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