January's set is called An Old Fashioned Christmas. Check out the preview...
Everyone who links up a minimum of two cards during the month of January will earn ONE of the digital papers from this set. The specific paper up for grabs will be shown during the winner announcement post. Additionally, one random winner who has followed the twist will earn the full set of papers.
If you would like a say in determining which one of these papers will be offered to those who link up a minimum of two cards this month, be sure to vote in our poll below. If there is a tie or no votes are cast, an executive decision will be made as to which paper is offered.
Please click "like" to choose the ONE paper that you would like offered up to participants who link up a minimum of two cards during the month of January. Poll will be open until January 31st, 11:59 p.m. EST. Please note that you can get a better idea of what the actual paper looks like by bringing the preview ABOVE up in the lightbox.
there are problems with the linky list again, noticed on Jan 2nd. If you'd like to vote and the link up list isn't visible, please just leave a comment with your choice based on the preview above. Paper names include:left to right, top row--Holly Boot, Holly Bell, Holly Boy
left to right, bottom row--Holly Girl, Joy Tag, Santa

Don't forget to join January's link up!
Hope to see you there!
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