Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ch. #60 Midway: Opt. Twist…Layer It Up

Hey folks. It is the middle of the month and that means there are still two weeks left in our current Link Up. Since the team had the option of taking December off, there will be no DT samples in this post.

I thought that I would just pop in to remind you of the details of our current challenge sponsored by Scribbles Designs.

Challenge #60

 Optional Twist: Layer It Up

Since the holidays are upon us, I'm offering up a couple extra prizes this month. 

First off, if you want the chance to win this month's featured paper pack, be sure to use a minimum of THREE layers on your card.  

Keep in mind though, that you don't need to follow the twist to link up your cards and earn a free paper each month or for a chance to win a $10.00 worth of digital stamps to the Scribbles Designs store. You simply need to follow the twist if you'd like a chance to win this month's featured digital paper pack, Marble Textures 1 (you can find a preview for this set by clicking HERE).

I'm also in the midst of designing that same set of marble textures only with some gold running through the veins. The team doesn't know it yet but I'm doing it to give them an end of year bonus gift for being such an incredible group of ladies to work with! I will also give away one copy of this set called Marble Textures with Gold 1, to one lucky person, chosen randomly from all entries.

Finally, as a thank you to all of our players, both new and long standing, I'm also drawing one random name from all the entries to win that person's choice of ONE mini kit selected from all the kits that were offered up this year to my team members. These are the same 12 kits that the individual paper given out each month during 2019 were selected from. If you would like to take a look at all the past kits designed this year, simply click on the word 'Poll' located in the Labels section at the bottom of the left sidebar. Then, simply scroll through all the polls for 2019.

So in summary, that is a total of FIVE different prizes for December's link up:
  • Marble Textures 1 Mini Kit to one person chosen from those following the twist;
  • ONE free digi paper to those linking up TWO or more cards;
  • Marble Textures with Gold 1 Mini Kit to one random winner;  
  • ONE mini kit, winner's choice from a selection of 12 kits to one random winner; and 
  • $10.00 worth of digital stamps from Scribbles Designs to one random winner.
Hopefully that will provide you all with some extra incentive to add your Christmas and other December holiday cards to our link up this month!

So if you haven't entered already, what are you waiting for? It is time to link up your Christmas and other holiday cards for December. Below you will find a refresher of the details for this challenge.

Please remember that this is a CARDS ONLY link up. While we've had some lovely tag entries, ornaments and other creative projects in the past, we've sadly had to disqualify them.

If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab. As this is a different kind of link up where we have both an Anything Goes Christmas or other December Holiday option AND an optional twist to follow, be sure to read all the details and rules you need to know in order to participate, by checking out the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog). I have provided a summary of the most important rules in the right sidebar.

If you would like a say in determining which digital paper will be offered to those who link up a minimum of two cards this month, be sure to vote in our poll. Click HERE to head there now.

You can find the link up for
Challenge #60 by clicking HERE.

Before we go...

If you'd like the chance to win some additional goodies from this month's sponsor, be sure to head on over to the Scribbles Designs Challenge blog. Their special Christmas Inspiration Event has started today and over the next several days you have the opportunity to win lots of fun images and a special prize from Scribbles Designs. Click HERE to head there now for more details! 

Don't Forget, if everything goes according to plan...

Be sure to join us on January 1st for a brand new year of link ups! Other special posts may be published throughout the month. Be sure to sign up to have our posts delivered by email or follow us through Bloglovin' so you don't miss a thing!


We look forward to seeing you participate!

Challenge #59 Winner Announcement

Hello to all our Christmas crafting friends!  I'm popping in to announce the winners and our top three Stocking Stuffers from Challenge #59. I seem to be developing a bad habit of being a few days later than expected getting the winner announcements out these past few months. Sorry about that.

We hit the big time last month with 101 entries in our November challenge. Yippee!!! That is almost double the entries from the month before which makes me extremely happy! Right now, it is time to get on with the finding out who our winners are.

Are you one of those lucky peeps?! Let's find out!

Pasje, you are the winner of a $12.00 gift voucher to the Imagine That Digistamp store, our guest sponsor for November (chosen by based on all eligible entries).

Pasje, please send an email to the_12_moc_linkup {at} outlook {dot} com (or click HERE to bring the address up in your email program), with the subject, "12MoC Challenge #59 WINNER" to make arrangements to receive your prize. Please note that it may take me a while to get back to you. Thank you for your patience. In the interim, please grab a copy of the winner badge below for your blog.

Next, it is time to get on with showcasing the top three. With so many wonderful entries to choose from, it is always such a difficult task for the design team. For Challenge #59, Granmargaret, Helen, and Donna (filling in for Marji), are presenting their favourite cards. So, without further ado, here are the Stocking Stuffers for November:

Congrats to our top three Stocking Stuffers! Hazel, Marie and Ellie, please grab a copy of the badge below for your blog.

Everyone who links up two cards each month is eligible to receive a free digital paper. Papers from last month have now been sent out. If you were expecting one but haven't received it yet, please leave me a comment and I'll look into it for you.

The individuals who linked up a minimum of two cards each during the month of NOVEMBER  qualifying them to receive the digital paper from that month, will receive the Red Glitter paper which received the majority of the votes. I have included the watermark of the paper, below...


To all of you who linked up during November, thanks ever so much! We are so happy to have all of you with us and hope that you'll continue to link up your holiday cards as complete your stash for 2019 and then again once you start next year's stockpile!!! Papers will be sent to the email address that qualifying participants used when they added their cards to the Link Up, as soon as I can manage!

As always, we are going to have a random draw from all the entries and give out a set of six digital papers to one lucky individual. The papers are all made so why not have an extra prize! Here is the watermark for the full set... 

The winner of the  
Misc. Textures: Red & Green Mini Kit  
from Challenge #59 is
(chosen by based on all eligible entries)

Sonia, please send an email to the_12_moc_linkup {at} outlook {dot} com (or click HERE to bring the address up in your email program), with the subject, "12MoC Challenge #59 PAPER KIT WINNER" to make arrangements to receive your prize.

Well folks, that is it for this one though I will be back in 30 minutes to remind you about the details of our current challenge going on now, with the Optional Twist this month of "Layer It Up". There are still two weeks to go and you can find out all the details along with the link up, by clicking HERE. Then, please join us again on January 1st when we'll be back with the very first link up of 2020!

Until next time,

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Vote for December's Free Digi Paper!

Hey folks. It is the first of the month and that means our new Link Up has started. As such, it is time to vote on the digi paper from this month's paper pack that will be offered to those linking up two cards.

December's set is called Marble Textures 1. Check out the preview...


Everyone who links up a minimum of two cards during the month of December will earn ONE of the digital papers from this set. The specific paper up for grabs will be shown during the winner announcement post. Additionally, one random winner who has followed the twist will earn the full set of papers.

If you would like a say in determining which one of these papers will be offered to those who link up a minimum of two cards this month, be sure to vote in our poll below. If there is a tie or no votes are cast, an executive decision will be made as to which paper is offered.

Please click "like" to choose the ONE paper that you would like offered up to participants who link up a minimum of two cards during the month of December. Poll will be open until December 31st, 11:59 p.m. EST. Please note that you can get a better idea of what the actual paper looks like by bringing the preview ABOVE up in the lightbox.

*Likes: (11)*
*Likes: (3)*
*Likes: (9)*
*Likes: (7)*
*Likes: (4)*
*Likes: (5)*

This linky list is now closed.


Don't forget to join December's link up!

You can find all the details for
 Challenge #60 by clicking HERE.

Hope to see you there!

Challenge #60: Opt. Twist…Layer It Up

Hello Crafters! Can you believe it?! In less than 24 days, it will be Christmas. Once again, another year has come and almost gone in absurd speed!

Before I continue, I wanted to share some news regarding our team. Two of our members, Julie and Pat, have sadly had to go on an extended leave of absence to deal with issues going on in each of their personal lives. Pat will try to join us when she is able to. It is our hope that both these incredible ladies will be back with with the team as soon as they possibly can be! In the meantime, they will be sorely missed. Additionally, Helen G., who has been with us since January of 2017, has decided to step down from the team. It has been wonderful having Helen with us for the last two years. She is an incredibly talented and sweet lady and she too will definitely be missed. I hope that you will join me in wishing Julie and Pat all the best as they deal with the issues going on in their lives, and to also wish Helen G. the absolute best as she goes on to new adventures in her life!

As it is the first day of December, it is time for our final link up of 2019 to get under way! Given how little time is left until the BIG DAY itself is here, it is imperative to get all those last minute Christmas and other December Holiday cards completed before we run out of time! To provide you with some extra incentive to get your cards completed, we have some lovely prizes available! So, why not join us for your chance to win?!

If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I created it under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, by checking out the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog). For your convenience, a summary of the most important rules can be found in the right sidebar under the heading 'Basic Rules Summary'.

Right now, time to get down to the business of our latest challenge. Here is what you need to know...

Challenge #60

 Optional Twist: Layer It Up

The Sleigh Belles and Merry Maidens have been working hard all year to get their Christmas cards created and as such, I gave the team the opportunity to take a much deserved break from having to post this month. A few of our team members decided that they still wanted to create; so, for the start of the challenge there will a handful of DT makes for you to check out. At the midway I'll simply post a reminder about the link up and the digi paper poll.

Since the holidays are upon us, I'm offering up a couple extra prizes this month. 

First off, if you want the chance to win this month's featured paper pack, be sure to use a minimum of THREE layers on your card.  

Keep in mind though, that you don't need to follow the twist to link up your cards and earn a free paper each month or for a chance to win a $10.00 worth of digital stamps to the Scribbles Designs store. You simply need to follow the twist if you'd like a chance to win this month's featured digital paper pack, Marble Textures 1 (you can find a preview for this set by clicking HERE).

I'm also in the midst of designing that same set of marble textures only with some gold running through the veins. The team doesn't know it yet but I'm doing it to give them an end of year bonus gift for being such an incredible group of ladies to work with! I will also give away one copy of this set called Marble Textures with Gold 1, to one lucky person, chosen randomly from all entries.

Finally, as a thank you to all of our players, both new and long standing, I'm also drawing one random name from all the entries to win that person's choice of ONE mini kit selected from all the kits that were offered up this year to my team members. These are the same 12 kits that the individual paper given out each month during 2019 were selected from. If you would like to take a look at all the past kits designed this year, simply click on the word 'Poll' located in the Labels section at the bottom of the left sidebar. Then, simply scroll through all the polls for 2019.

So in summary, that is a total of FIVE different prizes for December's link up:
  • Marble Textures 1 Mini Kit to one person chosen from those following the twist;
  • ONE free digi paper to those linking up TWO or more cards;
  • Marble Textures with Gold 1 Mini Kit to one random winner;  
  • ONE mini kit, winner's choice from a selection of 12 kits to one random winner; and 
  • $10.00 worth of digital stamps from Scribbles Designs to one random winner.
Hopefully that will provide you all with some extra incentive to add your Christmas and other December holiday cards to our link up this month!

Talking about Scribbles Designs, it is time to refresh ourselves with the details of this returning sponsor…

Looking for a unique image or sentiment? Well then! Head on over to Scribbles Designs and check out Sandy's world of her funky imagination and quirky characters. Sandy has loved art, drawing, water colouring and doodling for many years... and with the digital image world she can now share it with all of you. Brrr (Penguin) was her first main character and her other quirky images followed not long after. We hope you enjoy the endearing images available in the store and add Sandy's images to your digital stamp collections.
Click HERE to head to the store and HERE to check out the Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog. You can find the Scribbles Designs Facebook Group HERE.

Now check out what the participating team members came up with to inspire you. If you are interested in purchasing the sponsor's image featured in a particular card, you can click on the link indicated below the card to head to the page in the Scribbles Designs store where it can be found.

So what are you waiting for? It is time to link up your Christmas and other holiday cards for December

If you would like a say in determining which digital paper will be offered to those who link up a minimum of two cards this month, be sure to vote in our poll. Click HERE to head there now.

If everything goes according to plan, our winner announcement for Challenge #59 will be posted between the 8th and the 11th. Then be sure to join us again on December 15th when I'll pop in with a reminder for this month's link up. Other special posts may be published throughout the month. Be sure to sign up to have our posts delivered by email or follow us through Bloglovin' so you don't miss a thing!

We look forward to seeing you participate!

Link Up Below:
If you have any problems linking up, please be sure to leave a comment.

The 12 Months of Christmas Link Up Challenge #60

Please link up your Anything Goes Christmas and/or December holiday themed CARDS with the optional twist of Layer It Up below.
Cards for this challenge will be accepted from 6:00 p.m. (18:00 hrs), December 1st until 11:59 p.m. (23:59 hrs), December 31st, 2019 (all times listed are in Eastern Time).  Please click the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page above for all the rules and details. Maximum 10 entries.

This linky list is now closed.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Challenge #58 Winner Announcement

Hello to all our Christmas crafting friends!  I'm popping in to announce the winners and our top three Stocking Stuffers from Challenge #58. Sorry that I am a week later than expected getting the winner announcement out. Yup, that is now three months in a row and while I was hoping that it wasn't going to become a trend, it apparently is. At least though I'm posting in the same month so I'm still ahead of how late I was during the first half of the year! Fingers crossed I'll get back on track soon.

We had 57 entries in our October challenge and it is time to get on with the finding out who our winners are.

Are you one of those lucky peeps?! Let's find out!

Debbie, you are the winner of a $10.00 gift voucher to the Limited Runs store, our guest sponsor for October (chosen by based on all eligible entries).

Debbie, please send an email to the_12_moc_linkup {at} outlook {dot} com (or click HERE to bring the address up in your email program), with the subject, "12MoC Challenge #58 WINNER" to make arrangements to receive your prize. Please note that it may take me a while to get back to you. Thank you for your patience. In the interim, please grab a copy of the winner badge below for your blog.

Next, it is time to get on with showcasing the top three. With so many wonderful entries to choose from, it is always such a difficult task for the design team. For Challenge #57, Suze, Donna and Lisa (myself filling in for Julie), are presenting their favourite cards. So, without further ado, here are the Stocking Stuffers for October:

Congrats to our top three Stocking Stuffers! Margreet, Anet and Nicolette, please grab a copy of the badge below for your blog.

Everyone who links up two cards each month is eligible to receive a free digital paper. Papers from last month have now been sent out. If you were expecting one but haven't received it yet, please leave me a comment and I'll look into it for you.

The individuals who linked up a minimum of two cards each during the month of OCTOBER qualifying them to receive the digital paper from that month, will receive the Milk & Cookies paper which received the majority of the votes. I have included the watermark of the paper, below...

To all of you who linked up during October, thanks ever so much! We are so happy to have all of you with us and hope that you'll continue to link up your holiday cards during the next couple of months as you finish off your stash for 2019!!! Papers will be sent to the email address that qualifying participants used when they added their cards to the Link Up, as soon as I can manage!

As always, we are going to have a random draw from all the entries and give out a set of six digital papers to one lucky individual. The papers are all made so why not have an extra prize! Here is the watermark for the full set... 

The winner of the  
Santa Stops Here Mini Kit 
from Challenge #58 is
(chosen by based on all eligible entries) 

Mary, please send an email to the_12_moc_linkup {at} outlook {dot} com (or click HERE to bring the address up in your email program), with the subject, "12MoC Challenge #58 PAPER KIT WINNER" to make arrangements to receive your prize.

Well folks, that is it for today. While you are here, please be sure to check out the details for our current challenge going on now (if you haven't already), with the Optional Twist this month of "Red & Green". There is just over two weeks to go and you can find out all the details along with the link up, by clicking HERE. Please join us again on December 1st when we'll be back with our final link up of the year!

Until next time,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Challenge #59 Midway: Opt. Twist…Red & Green

Welcome back folks! It is the 15th of the month and that means it is time for the midway of our current challenge. Apologies for not having had the chance to post the winner announcement from Challenge #58 yet. I'm hoping to be able to get to it within this next week.

As we are halfway through the month of November, it is time to see what the Merry Maidens have been up to with their sweet images from Imagine That Digistamp, our guest sponsor this month!
Clicking on the DT names will take you to the individual blogs where you can check out the details for all these wonderful cards. Helen from the Sleigh Belles team is joining us during the midway this month. Christine, also from our Sleigh Belles team has created another card she is sharing at the midway and Helen G. has made two cards to share with us! So we have lots of great midway inspiration for you!

If you are interested in purchasing the sponsor's set featured in a particular card, you can click on the link indicated below the card to head to the page in the Imagine That Digistamp store where it can be found.

<<<Marji is running a little bit late and her card will be uploaded soon>>>


So if you haven't entered already, what are you waiting for? It is time to link up your Christmas and other holiday cards for November. Below you will find a refresher of the details for this challenge.

Please remember that this is a CARDS ONLY link up. While we've had some lovely tag entries, ornaments and other creative projects in the past, we've sadly had to disqualify them.

Challenge #59

 Optional Twist: Red & Green

If you want the chance to win this month's featured paper pack, be sure to use the colours RED & GREEN prominently in your design.  

Keep in mind though, that you don't need to follow the twist to link up your cards and earn a free paper each month or for a chance to win a $12.00 gift voucher to the Imagine That Digistamp store. You simply need to follow the twist if you'd like a chance to win this month's featured digital paper pack, Misc. Textures: Red & Green.  

If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab. As this is a different kind of link up where we have both an Anything Goes Christmas or other December Holiday option AND an optional twist to follow, be sure to read all the details and rules you need to know in order to participate, by checking out the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog). I have provided a summary of the most important rules in the right sidebar.

If you would like a say in determining which digital paper will be offered to those who link up a minimum of two cards this month, be sure to vote in our poll. Click HERE to head there now.

You can find the link up for
Challenge #59 by clicking HERE.

Don't Forget, if everything goes according to plan...

I am hoping to post the winner announcement from Challenge #58 within the next week. Then, be sure to join us on December 1st for our new challenge! Other special posts may be published throughout the month. Be sure to sign up to have our posts delivered by email or follow us through Bloglovin' so you don't miss a thing!


We look forward to seeing you participate!