Monday, July 01, 2019

Challenge #55: Opt. Twist…Plaids

Hello Crafters!  Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian friends, followers and players! Also, Happy Independence Day coming up on Thursday for all of our neighbours to the south (and north in Alaska, and west in Hawaii) in the United States as you gear up to celebrate your own country's birthday on July 4th.

As it is the start of a brand new month, it is time for our latest Link Up! It is hard to believe but we've just reached the half-way point of the year already. Just a little over five months to go until we'll be starting to need all those Christmas and other December Holiday cards. Whether you are continuing your stash or just starting, we'd love to have you join us and add your cards to our Link Up for a chance to win some goodies!

If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I created it under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, by checking out the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog). For your convenience, a summary of the most important rules can be found in the right sidebar under the heading 'Basic Rules Summary'.

Right now, time to get down to the business of our latest challenge. Here is what you need to know...

Challenge #55

Optional Twist: Plaids

If you want the chance to win this month's featured paper pack, use PLAID papers prominently in your card design. While you can also use other types of papers for accent pieces, make sure that plaid features in a big way. 

Keep in mind though, that you don't need to follow the twist to link up your cards and earn a free paper each month or for a chance to win a $10.00 gift voucher to the Ike's Art store. You simply need to follow the twist if you'd like a chance to win this month's featured digital paper pack, Multi-Coloured Plaids.

Talking about Ike's Art, it is time to refresh ourselves with the details of this returning sponsor

Hi there – I am Ike……a nickname that I got hooked with many years ago due to my surname, and in my profession at that time, …… they just loved  to give nicknames ☺.

I live in Greece and have a passion for kitties ☺ I am a complete nutter or should I say I’m ‘zany’ hahaha.  I have a very strange/sick sense of humour and I must admit I spend a lot of time talking to myself. !!  Well, I get more sense out of me.!  I reckon in a few years I shall be known as the “crazy cat lady”☺

I am an artist and have a strange mind when it comes to creating my art. I either go completely true to life… right down to the last hair… or I go totally surreal.   I have a passion for all things horror/Gothic etc. I’ve always loved horror films and books and I guess that’s why it creeps into my stuff !  Had I been a bit younger I swear I would have been a Goth……luuuuuv it.  Next time around I am gonna be a witch or a cat ☺

I started my Blog a couple of years ago and although I love crafting, my real passion is drawing, and now I just love making digital images.

My SHOP is IkesArt found at
My Blog is Ikes World and is at

My Challenge Blog

Now check out what the Sleigh Belles came up with to inspire you. Clicking on the DT names will take you to the individual blogs where you can check out the specific details for all these wonderful cards. Helen N. will be joining us at the midway and while Pat would generally be here at the midway, she'll be joining us for the start this month! If you are interested in purchasing the sponsor's image featured in a particular card, you can click on the link indicated below the card to head to the page in the Ike's Art store where it can be found.

using Poinsettia Cluster

 using Waiting for Christmas from the Fleaz Navidad set

So what are you waiting for? It is time to link up your Christmas and other holiday cards for July

If you would like a say in determining which digital paper will be offered to those who link up a minimum of two cards this month, be sure to vote in our poll. Click HERE to head there now.

If everything goes according to plan, our winner announcement for Challenge #54 will be posted between the 8th and the 11th. Then be sure to join us again on July 15th, for our midway post when the Merry Maidens will be here to share their amazing cards featuring more images from Ike's Art. Other special posts may be published throughout the month. Be sure to sign up to have our posts delivered by email or follow us through Bloglovin' so you don't miss a thing!

We look forward to seeing you participate!

Link Up Below:
If you have any problems linking up, please be sure to leave a comment.

The 12 Months of Christmas Link Up Challenge #55

Please link up your Anything Goes Christmas and/or December holiday themed CARDS with the optional twist of Plaids below.
Cards for this challenge will be accepted from 6:00 p.m. (18:00 hrs), July 1st until 11:59 p.m. (23:59 hrs), July 31st, 2019 (all times listed are in Eastern Time).  Please click the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page above for all the rules and details. Maximum 10 entries.

This linky list is now closed.

1 comment:

ike said...

Fantastic creations from the DT. Thank you very much for having me as your Sponsor - it is always a pleasure to Sponsor you all.


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