Hello there to all our Christmas crafting friends! I hope
that those of you in the northern hemisphere aren't freezing too badly this winter and that those of you in the southern hemisphere aren't facing too much heat during your summer. If only we could swap a bit of each other's weather with the other to be a bit more comfortable!
I'm finally back to share the
winners and our top three Stocking Stuffers from Challenge #94 (Anything Goes CHRISTMAS with the Opt. Twist of Use Patterned Paper).
Oh and I apologize for the last winner announcement. I spent over an hour the other day trying to unconfuse myself (yeah, I know 'unconfuse' isn't a real word but it is the best I can come up with). I had the month wrong in the last challenge stating it was for September instead of October and it totally screwed up with everything. No wonder nothing was adding up properly for me. Anyway, I finally figured it out and that post has now been edited to reflect the correct month. This is what happens when you are trying to catch up on stuff while also attempting to get things ready for Christmas at the same time!
If I was impressed with the 91 entries we had in October, you can imagine how pleased I am with the 167 entries added to our
link up for November! Once again, that is a record. The highest number we ever saw during the month of November occurred in our first year with 154 entries total. After that, the highest it got was 101. So, it is awesome to see us surpassing our original record!
Right now, it is
to get on with finding out who our winners
for November are.
Are you one of those lucky peeps?! Let's find out!

Bonnie, you are the winner of your choice of TWO Christmas or Winter themed mini kits of digital papers from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles. (chosen by random.org based on all eligible entries).
Bonnie, please send an email to the_12_moc_linkup {at} outlook {dot} com (or click HERE
to bring the address up in your email program), with the subject, "12MoC Challenge #94 WINNER"
to make arrangements to receive your prize. Please note that it may take
me a while to get back to you so thank you for your patience (I am caught currently up with the mail in this account). In the interim, please grab a copy of the winner badge below for your blog.
Next, it is time to get on with showcasing the top three. So, without further ado, here are the Stocking Stuffers for November:
Congrats to our top three Stocking Stuffers! Silke, Janet and Pinky, please grab a copy of the badge below for your blog.
who links up two cards
each month is eligible to receive a free digital paper. Paper for October has now been sent out. If you were expecting one but
haven't received it yet, please leave me a comment and I'll look into it
for you.
The individuals who linked up a minimum of two cards each during the month of NOVEMBER, qualifying them to receive the digital paper from that month, will receive the Christmas Cake Patterned Paper on 2 different colour backgrounds. I have included the preview of the papers below...

all of you
who linked up during November,
thanks ever so much! We are so happy to
have all of you
with us and hope that you'll continue to link up your holiday cards as
you begin or continue to work on your stockpile for 2023!!! Papers will
be sent to the email address that qualifying
used when they added their cards to the Link Up, as soon as I can
manage! PLEASE NOTE: If you want to receive your paper, PLEASE BE CERTAIN to enter your email
address correctly. I was able to catch one 'xom' instead of 'com' but
there have been instances where there were problems with an address not being
recognized and therefore sent back to me; and of course, in those cases, I have no way of contacting the individuals in
question. So make sure to double check when adding your info to the link up.

Well folks, that is it for this one! If you haven't already, be sure to check out our current challenge going on now,
with the Optional Twist this month of "Out with the Old AND In with the New".
There are still 12 days to go and you can find out all the details along with the link up, by clicking HERE.
Please join us again tomorrow when we'll be back with the midway of our current challenge. Then, join us on February 1st for a new link up! If I can manage to get it together, I will try and get December's winner announcement done before the end of the month. I'm still sick and catching up on a bunch of other stuff (including having to get February's paper ready); so, no promises but I will try to at least get it started if nothing else.
Until next time,
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